Sunday, January 15, 2012

Naugatuck State Forest

Date: Jan. 15, 2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Naugatuck State Forest
Town: Beacon Falls
Trail Conditions: Some blowdowns and ice
Observations/Information: This was my second hike in the Naugatuck Forest in Beacon Falls in three weeks. On the previous hike, with help from others, I figured we cleared about a third of the smaller blowdowns. On this trip, we probably removed about another third of the smaller blowdowns. The trail gnomes and state workers have been at work because we saw trees cleared that we did not touch last time. There are some icy patches and one trail that looks like a stream, but is actually a trail, but things are generally dry. There are still downed trees to negotiate around, but for the most part, the trails can be biked without too much difficulty.
Trail Ambassador Name: Tom Ebersold

Trail Ambassador E-mail: bikehikekayak123 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
How did you use the trail? Hiking/Walking
Trails Ridden: Various unnamed trails and woods roads
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 5
Approximate Distance (Miles): 9 miles
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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