Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section

Date: January 11, 2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section
Town: Clinton
Trail Conditions: Nice and dry
Observations/Information: I took my first ride on the reclaimed trail around the abandoned paint ball zone; I didn't have a lot of time so I did a couple of runs in the CC then CCW directions to get a feel for the flow; overall, I really like the trail, but there are a couple of corners cut too tight (okay for paint ball guy, but not for bike) trying to incorporate rock and tree features, but that won't take much rework; my plan is to ride this loop many more times as is, then in the Spring take a hard look at it with a more sustainable approach in mind and revise as needed; the loop is just under .4 miles in length and because of this parcel's elevation, should never see standing water nor mud; this area has many more overgrown trails and I see a really fun, new place to ride coming to be.
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka

Trail Ambassador E-mail: donaldDOThazukaATcovidienDOTcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Access road/new unmarked
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 3/4 hours
Approximate Distance (Miles): 3 miles
Images/Photos: WW paint ball trail 1.jpg
2nd image: WW paint ball trail 2.jpg
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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