Sunday, January 8, 2012

George C Waldo State Park

Date: January 8, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: George C Waldo State Park
Town: Southbury
Trail Conditions: Very Good
A long ride at Waldo today the started out with Tren (CT Nemba VP), and finished off with Paula. The trails were in excellent shape and appeared to get quite a bit of use the day before when temperatures reached a spring-like 60 Fahrenheit. The Daffy Duck trail is starting to look like a well-established trail, getting packed down and broken in, and becoming smoother and faster. Overall the trails were in excellent shape and, for the most part dry, although there was some moisture in the soil that improved traction. The section just below the Captain's Log on Waldo is a little moist but not wet. There are some wet/sloppy spots on the dirt road.

Tren and I spent some time sessioning the Captain's Log until we could both ride over it (see video).

Overall the trails of Waldo are in excellent shape and likely drier that most other places right now.

Trail Ambassador Name: Paula Burton, Tren Spence, Glenn Vernes

Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Waldo, Daffy Duck, Hunters
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2.5
Approximate Distance (Miles): 12 miles
Images/Photos: 006.MOV
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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