Sunday, January 15, 2012


Date: Jan. 15, 2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Trumbull-Pequonnock
Town: Trumbull
Trail Conditions: Frozen solid, but no blowdowns
Observations/Information: I was surprised to see a complete lack of blowdowns in the Pequonnock Valley, as blowdowns have been a continual problem almost everywhere I have hiked. I was not happy to see the inroads the woolly adelgid have been making as far as slowly killing off the numerous hemlock trees in the area. The hemlocks are definitely showing signs of stress, as evidenced by the lack of needles on the lower branches. Once they die, it will create a huge mess of falling trees, as happened at Westwoods and West Rock. Everything is frozen solid and there are numerous spots with petrified bike tracks. I took the White-Yellow-Red-Blue Trails. The markings were generally easy to follow, although we did have a few instances of head scratching where some blazes could be added. The only trail work I did was cutting back a couple of multi-flora rose bushes in the reservoir bed area. There were a few dog walkers, plus one very brave biker on a day that showed 19 degrees on a bank clock when I left at 3 p.m.
Trail Ambassador Name: Tom Ebersold

Trail Ambassador E-mail: bikehikekayak123 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
How did you use the trail? Hiking/Walking
Trails Ridden: White, Yellow, Red, Blue
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 3
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6 miles
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