Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mianus River Park

Date: December 4, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Mianus River Park
Town: Stamford & Greenwich
Trail Conditions: Good
Observations/Information: Paula and I rode Mianus on Sunday. This is becoming a regular destination for us because it's a cool place to ride. I rode the single speed this time and found it to be a great place for that type of bike with its undulating terrain and short steep hills. We rode the newly benched and armored Cabin Trail up to the old chimney and found it to be a dumping ground for candy wrappers. How sad. We spent some time on the older, unmaintained trails on the Greenwich side of the park (Greenwich doesn't allow maintenance). These trails are not as good as those on the Stamford side, but to get in a ride of decent length you have to include them.

The trails along the river were a little moist; those away from it were just about the right tackiness for traction. Here was also less leaf cover than you'd expect. The West River Trail Spur, just off Merribrook Rd, has been blocked off. The River Road was busy with hikers and unleashed, energetic dogs, per usual on Sunday afternoon. We encountered a few other mountain bikers and I loaned one my mini pump. Sadly though, his tube was too far gone to hold air and he had to walk.

Trail Ambassador Name: Paula Burton, Glenn Vernes

Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: River trails, Meander, Cabin, Fisherman, Poplar, Deer, Inner, Peak, Ridge Run, Hill Riverwalk
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2.5
Approximate Distance (Miles): 12 miles
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