Saturday, December 3, 2011

TM Report: Trumbull-Pequonnock

Date: 12-3-11
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: Pequonnock River Valley
Town: Trumbull
Trail Conditions: Wet in Lower Areas, Dry on the Ridge
Observations/Information: Finally had a moment to return to the trails (it's been over 6 weeks!). I met Steve McAllister at the Daniels Farm and we hiked in to scout out conditions on the connector trail between the Yellow (Mullholland) and the Main Blue/White.
In our walk in, much of the lower areas were still muddy and leaf cover naturally was everywhere.
Prepared to see a soggy, rough rock washout; our destination the trail was actually fairly dry and in good shape.
It looked like the rock strewn short climb on the curb was "readjusted" for a nicer ride. Pleasantly surprised to not have to resort to build a reroute (our original intention), we just dug out a few knicks where needed on the lower stretch.
We then walked back to the lot and headed up to Whitney to knick and bench a few spots that I remembered were getting kinda funky. I knew the trail I had built in the early fall had a narrow section I wanted to widen but upon arrival, I noticed riderrs had already cut a small shortcut there so I just benched the shortcut a little better. (Being Trumbull, it was best to simply fix the shortcut then to try and block it--especially since it was only a few feet long. )
I took a short break from the Park to stop over at John Lauria's. He had a copy of the Fairfield County Weekly that featured a real nice photo spread of the Valley hike I co-lead back in Oct. 85 plus people showed up for that! It turns out (as I found out later), the magazine is also available over at the Corner Deli if any one is interested.
After finishing up some other TM near the Whitney Lot, we rode for a couple of hours. The weather had warmed up considerably. We hit the Red Trail (north of the Copper Creek) and rode the Yellow slab rock trail thru the Central Maze, Trails were dry up on the ridge. Surprisingly there were hardly any riders in the park!
I'll notify the Town re the Blowdown up north where the Red meets the White - there's a braid there now but it's still best to get this one cleared. Other fallen trees along the Red were cut or had real nice stone-assisted up and overs.
Fun ride / great weather -especially considering it's Dec!
Trail Ambassador Name: Rich C

Trail Ambassador E-mail: mtnbikerdad[at]yahoo[dot]com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Various
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM (2.5 TM)
Approximate Distance (Miles):
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"some other TM"