Saturday, December 10, 2011

TM Report: Wilton Woods


Date: 12/10/2011
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: Wilton Woods
Town: WIlton
Trail Conditions: Wet
Observations/Information: Re-routed an approved 300+ section of the blue trail which required extensive benching and rock armoring; we had 4 NEMBA workers (Ryan T., Paula B., Chris K and myself) along with 2 park riders

Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort

Trail Ambassador E-mail: dfrancefortatgmaildotcom
How did you use the trail? Other Trail use
Trails Ridden: n/a
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 3
Approximate Distance (Miles):
Images/Photos: IMG_3608.jpg
2nd image: IMG_3610.jpg
3rd Image: IMG_3611.jpg
4th Image:

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