Trail Ambassador Name: Rich C
Decided to try something completely different today by riding Wilton Woods in the opposite way. Parked in the North Lot and rode the north loop in the typical clockwise direction but once across the valley, rode the main outside loop in a counter-clockwise direction. The bomb down the Blue West is a lovely long flowy downhill.
Headed back up on the Blue East, but I took a nasty spill crossing a rocky streambed. Ended up a little twisted on the rocks but got up and continued on, heading up the yellow, and finally looping north out of the park on the real nice short Red Connector Dave F built. Met a couple of hikers on this trail.
Leaves were everywhere and it was often hard to distinguish the trail but it was a beautiful day and the trails were dry and in great shape. There are really a lot of great trails here - not just the super techie stuff Wilton Woods in known for but some flowy XC stuff to enjoy as well.
Trail Ambassador Email: mtnbikerdad[at]yahoo[dot]com
Town: Wilton
Location: Wilton Woods
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Biking
Sunday, Oct 10th, 2010
What was the time of day? Afternoon - 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Duration (Hours): 1 Hour
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