Monday, January 30, 2012

Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section

Date: December 30, 2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section
Town: Clinton, Westbrook
Trail Conditions: Snow covered
Observations/Information: Took advantage of the heavy snow fall to take a snowshoe journey; made my way down the dirt access road where there were boot and dog tracks but saw no one; I trudged the lower green to the unmarked leading to Chittenden Preserve, but detoured over to the horse farm, then came out to the green again and then to the unmarked leading north to the upper green; it's amazing after a good snow to see all the deer activity that you would not be able to otherwise; followed the green west to the access road and came across tracks from another snowshoe hiker leading out to WW; continued on the road and to the trail back home; a real beautiful hike taking advantage of the scenery.
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka

Trail Ambassador E-mail:
How did you use the trail? Hiking/Walking
Trails Ridden: Lower green, unmarked, upper green
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 1 1/2
Approximate Distance (Miles): 2 1/2
Images/Photos: Snowshoe hike.JPG
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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