Sunday, August 1, 2010

TM Report: Bradley Park

Date of Activity: 7/22/10
Condition of Trails(s): Wet, muddy
Trail Ambassador Name: Chris Keczkemethy
Observations: I came across three areas on the Orange trail that were completely blocked by blow-downs.  The one pictured below was just North of the Oak Ledge entrance and was the easiest to clear.  Using my trusty NEMBA TA hand-saw I was able to clean out all the branches and clear the trail:

Now I just need to go back and do some additional trimming so I can broadscast this pile a little more discreetly:
Note to self: get a freaking chainsaw.
We’ll be having a TM day in the coming weeks to clear out some of this debris and also cover an old section of trail that Dave and I recently re-routed.
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Wilton
Location: Bradley Park
Trail(s) Ridden: Orange, Blue
How did you use the trail?: Trail Maintenance
What was the time of day?: 7:00am
Duration (Hours): 3
Distance (Miles): 1.5

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