Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: Quillinan Reservoir
Town: Seymour/Ansonia
Trail Conditions: Use Caution (mostly firm, but some wet spots)
Observations/Information: Saturday afternoon I happened to be in the neighborhood, so stopped in to Quillinan for a quick walk around to get some idea of the status of the trails. They seemed to be, for the most part, firm but tacky (but with evidence of some earlier too-soon riding on two wheels but especially four hooves - see below).

This morning I made a bigger loop: down the fire road all the way to the reservoir, the up the outermost (?? I'd guess you'd call it) Purple, all the way back around to the lot. Most of Purple has been leaf-blown fairly recently. On both rides, I took the Wo so whatever impact I'd have would be minimal.

The wet seems to be mostly isolated to the fire roads (and gnarly section), as opposed to the new singletrack. Copious horse prints, even on the singletrack (and in that cliffside rock feature up top that I'm too chicken to ride, one left a horse-sized "calling card" so be advised). Horse impact definitely has bike impact easily beat.

Trail Ambassador Name: John Joy
Trail Ambassador E-mail: jmj [at] savagejoy [dot] com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Fire Road, Purple
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 1:15
Approximate Distance (Miles): 4
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