Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: Naugatuck State Forest
Town: Oxford (and a tiny bit of Beacon Falls)
Trail Conditions: Snowy
Observations/Information: Cabin fever finally got the best of me so I went for a quick ride this morning @ Naugy (West Block). Atypical of me, I waited until after nine instead of riding at first light cuz single-digits+breeze. In (and out) at the Pines Bridge (Rt 42) gate.
The snowmobiles had been through, and wherever they had been was (for the most part) sufficiently packed down to be rideable. This, of course, means the fire roads. There were some other places they hadn't been but there was sufficient foot traffic, but be forewarned that riding these is like riding skinnies: on either side you'll be in up to your knees. (I made the mistake of trying to follow a XC ski track under the power lines by Res 4 and found myself Maxpedition-pack-side down, leg trapped by the bike, doing my very best upside-down turtle impression - the more I thrashed the more stuck I got.)

Note of caution: despite the snowmobiles, the south side of Res 2 had drifted back over sufficiently to make it mighty tough to ride.
TM: clearing a couple of branches, including one poking up at an odd angle on the west side of Res 2.
Other than one hiker coming down as I was on my way out, I had the place to myself.
Trail Ambassador Name: John Joy
Trail Ambassador E-mail: jmj [at] savagejoy [dot] com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden:
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 1:15 in total
Approximate Distance (Miles): 3.5
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