Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Upper Paugussett State Forest

Date: 4/13/2014
Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: Upper Paugussett State Forest
Town: Newtown, CT
Trail Conditions: Wet, soft, but rideable

Observations/Information: Found more logging going on at the southern section of Upper Paugussett State Forest. It seems the loggers ran out of room to store their logs in the parking lot so they are storing them further down the Poly Brody and making quite a mud wallow.

I spent a good half hour fixing a corduroy someone had attempted to start but left the water section muddy so I fixed it by armoring and changing the approach.

On the Gussy Trail I found that someone cut the log that was sticking into the trail from last fall that I had not gotten around to. Thanks to whoever did the work!

I found the trail to be somewhat soft in a few places especially after taking a digger coming off the log ride short. Good think I was wearing armor. Otherwise, the Gussy is looking really nice right now.
Trail Ambassador Name: mark lurie
Trail Ambassador E-mail: mark [at] cyclesnack [dot] com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Poly Brody, Upper Gussy, Reach Around
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 2
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6

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