Saturday, November 17, 2012

West Rock Ridge SP

Date: Nov. 17 and 18
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: West Rock Ridge SP
Town: Hamden
Trail Conditions: Surprisingly clear
Observations/Information: I spent the weekend at West Rock, doing trailwork on Saturday and hiking on Sunday. Overall, the trails are surprisingly clear of downed trees, although there are scattered issues with downed pines and red oaks. The picture shows a red oak that I partially cleared along Baldwin Drive, as I was driving there while doing my trailwork. Using a handsaw, I hacked open a space large enough to drive under. At the end of Baldwin Drive, I cleaned up a couple of small blowdowns by the berm. There is a downed tree on the downhill to Hill Street fully blocking the road. The state has cleared almost all the blowdowns along Baldwin Drive, except for this red oak, and a white pine, both of which I alerted the state about. The state also cleared Regicide Drive (the road up to Judges Cave and the South Overlook). I hiked the White Trail from Lake Wintergreen to where it ends at the Red Trail by Mountain Road, the Red Trail from there up to the junction of the Blue Trail, and the Blue Trail (closed to bikes). I nipped lots of small branches with my hand clippers, but there are no other issues on these trails. Clearly, West Rock ducked Sandy's right jab. There were three blowdowns on the Regicides Trail (not a biking issue) that I will handle, plus I reported one on the Purple Trail to the state. My new blazes on Red and White definitely stand out.
Trail Ambassador Name: Tom Ebersold

Trail Ambassador E-mail: bikehikekayak123 [at] sbcglobal [dot
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden:
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours):
Approximate Distance (Miles):
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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