Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Upper Paugussett State Forest

Date: 11/4/2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Upper Paugussett State Forest
Town: Newtown, CT
Trail Conditions: Leaf Crunchy


Observations/Information: Looks like the State opened up the forest road because all three trees that were down before you hit the Gussy coming from Echo Valley were cut. The one closest to the gate might even make a nice skinny.

The Gussy is riding nicely and the ramp that I made over that blow down that I chopped on Saturday is really smooth.  I think the other tree needs some better ramping now so that you would get really great flow.  Didn't try it in the other direction yet.

The last blow down is seems problematic because of it's size and complexity.  I suppose if you were to cut an opening on the lower trees you could ride under the high one, which would be the best approach I think but I am just not sure how high that tree is at this point.


I tried a go around (the inverted V on the red track below) for the other blow down but the downward piece coming back onto the trail is fall line. I suppose you could bring the trail further along the ridge back onto the Gussy but that would call for a lot of benching.  

Still it might be worthwhile given it would open up some other interesting terrain features and could even dovetail into a connector for the half pipe (Sidewinder-esque like trail) that I have been eyeing for quite sometime.  The rest of the ride was sweet. The new go around on the old cart road is coming about nicely but I am the only one riding it still.  Hope to get back out later today and finish the little reroute by the cleavage roller.

Trail Ambassador Name: Mark Lurie
Trail Ambassador E-mail: ctnemba a la gmail dot com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Poly Brody & Upper Gussy
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 1
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6

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