Date: 11/22/12
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Shelton Greenway
Town: Shelton
Trail Conditions: Good, leaf covered, some blow downs
Observations/Information: Good day for a ride, trails in good shape, converted two blow down to easy ride overs (white trail).
I haven't been to this area for quite a while and was dismayed to see former single track now widened and covered with stone dust and gravel. I was told that this was in an attempt to make the trails into "multiuse", however, I don't get it.Luckly there is still some single track left. Beautiful day for a bike ride, met several dog walkers, some hikers, and lots of people attending the Thanksgiving football game at Shelton High School where we parked. Upon arrival, no trouble finding parking, upon departure, the lots were packed, cars everywhere they could park.
Met 2.5 other Mountain Bikers on the trail in the form of Dave Plain and Joanna Brooks with their baby in tow.
Trail Ambassador Name: Ed Perten
Trail Ambassador E-mail: edperten(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Several, white, yellow and others
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 1.5-2 hours
Approximate Distance (Miles): 1.5-2 hours worth
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1 comment:
I'm glad that you enjoyed the trails at Shelton Lakes. I'm on the Shelton Trails Committee and we have been working very hard to clear the trails from the past storms - see our blog for the photos Most of our trail volunteers are hikers and paddlers & we have cleared the trails so they are safe and passable, but have not been able to clear all the blow downs. Please do not create any up and overs at the blow downs because it just makes more work for us to remove them later. If there are any local mountain bikers that want to get more involved in maintaining the trails with biking in mind, we'd love to have the help. There are a number of upcoming work parties starting tomorrow, and we have a Trails Meeting on Wednesday night at City Hall -everybody is welcome. We love the work CTNEMBA members do on trails around the state. Keep it up, and if any local folks want to be more involved in Shelton please give us a call. Terry Gallagher
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