Date: November 16, 2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset State Forest (general)
Town: Chester
Trail Conditions: Good, dry, leafy.
Observations/Information: My brother and I rode the Pattaconk Lake section of Cockaponset Friday afternoon. The ride was a blast from the past in more ways than one. I started riding these trails over 20 years ago, and they're still as old school as it gets. Rocky, rooty, wide in places, devoid of flow in most places, and with mud and deep stream crossings guarenteed to make your bike and quite possibly you wet, cold, and dirty. The deep leaf layer made them even trickier.
The good news is that NEMBA has done some good work here over the past few years. Bridging, rock armoring, and reroutes have made the trails more fun and sustainable but not taken away their old school character nor made them any easier. There's now a bike legal loop araound the lake-the trail that hugs the lake on the north side and is blazed dark blue with a yellow stripe (not CFPA blue), and the white triangle trail on the south side. The CFPA blue trails aren't bike legal. The trails were clear of sticks and blowdowns.
If you're new to mountain biking and want to know what the sport was like in the early days, come and ride here.
Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernesatgeemaildotcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Dark blue/yellow, white, red, quinimay, unmarked
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2
Approximate Distance (Miles): 10 miles
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1 comment:
Have frequented the trails ridden and when frozen ridden on the lake as well. The trails are a welcome challenge!
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