Friday, December 30, 2011

West Rock Ridge SP


Date: Dec. 30, 2011
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: West Rock Ridge SP
Town: Hamden
Trail Conditions: Muddy in the usual spots, firm otherwise
Observations/Information: I walked the Red Trail south of the main entrance up to the South Overlook, checking for blowdowns. I found a few small branches hanging here and there, which I removed, but the trail was generally free of any problems.
I cleared out some culverts, in particular the one in the pictures. I was pleased to see that when I shoved a branch through to clear it, the area drained like a tub when the plug is pulled. I came back two hours later and even the water on the trail itself had drained away, leaving only mud behind. This portion of the Red Trail had some mud issues because the drainage ditches and culverts have filled, so the water just runs across the trail in spots.
The state has done some work with digging a drainage ditch and installing culverts, but more needs to be done before that works is effective. Along the trail, I found this split tree, which is a natural playground for bikers more daring than I am.
I had previously put up a "No Bikes" sign on the Blue-Blazed Regicides Trail at Judges Cave. Today I found the sign in the woods. I put it back on the tree, not that I expect it to remain there for long. Whoever took off the sign may not like the idea of "No Bikes" on the Blue Trail, but that's the current park policy. Also, the action of removing the sign is technically vandalizing state property, which is a crime.
I submitted a proposal to the state Trails Committee to change the trail usage policies at West Rock. I actually am recommending that this particular stretch of the Blue Trail (the Westville Feeder from the ballfield off Blake Street to Judges Cave via the Regicides Trail) be opened to bikes as the trail surface was constructed from native rock and is very durable. I also recommended that the Red Trail from the base to the top of the South Overlook be closed to bikes as it is not suitable to bikes with elevations up to 30 percent (by my estimate), the large steps in the picture, and a heavily eroded surface in general. For now the Blue Trail is officially closed to bikes, while the Red Trail is officially open. I will post an update on this topic when I have one, but that process will likely take months. One of my future trail plans calls for blazing and restoring a trail that parallels the Red Trail at the base of the South Overlook. When this project happens, I will recommend that that trail be opened to bikes, and that will create an excellent loop of single to double track.
Trail Ambassador Name: Tom Ebersold

Trail Ambassador E-mail: bikehikekayak123 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
How did you use the trail? Hiking/Walking
Trails Ridden: Red
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2
Approximate Distance (Miles): 1 mile
Images/Photos: Red Trail ponding, 12-11_2.jpg
2nd image: Red Tr. ponding, drying out, 12-11.JPG
3rd Image: Red Tr. S., split tree, 12-11_2.jpg
4th Image: Red Tr. by S. Overlook, big steps, 12-11_2.jpg

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