Monday, December 19, 2011

Thank you from the State of Connecticut

Good afternoon Trail Volunteers,

Over the past month I have heard many reports on hundreds of volunteer hours spent (and continuing) clearing storm debris from our trail systems.  Please tell your volunteers that we at State Parks are grateful for their continued efforts.

As you may know (or have seen) our staff, and our debris management contractors have been hard at work as well dropping dangerously hanging branches, and felling leaning trees that pose a danger to the public.  Well over 7000 trees have been addressed so far, and we know a great deal more work lays ahead of us.  With your support (and particularly with your volunteers’ efforts!) we will be successful.

Thank you again for all of your efforts, which help us provide a higher level of service to CT’s recreational trail users.

Tom Tyler

Thomas J. Tyler
State Parks and Public Outreach Division
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106

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