Monday, November 28, 2011

TM Report: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section

Date: November 28, 2011
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section
Town: Clinton/Westbrook/Deep River
Trail Conditions: Good shape with usual mud areas
Observations/Information: I wanted to get in a decent ride and also clear that downed tree on the unmarked by the beaver pond; warmed up on the western dirt road then on to the southern green; about a hundred yards in I came across a women and two dogs covered in orange blaze; one dog flew towards me and the woman kept screaming "Carly, no bite...Carly, no bite..." at the top of her lungs- not what a biker wants to hear; I slowly rode by them all with no incident; rode a few on the interior trails, then headed over to the northern green south to the unmarked which was blocked by the tree; it had quite a few thick limbs that were a pain to cut with a hand saw, then drag into the woods; on a break I took a look at what broke the tree eight feet off the ground- beaver work at the base which weakened it causing the snap; this made sense because the trail comes within 20 feet from the pond; it took a while to cut and drag the limbs off, and it was dark by the time I finished;

I got on my bike, cranked on my Magicshine to take an "after" photo when a loud smack on the water's surface 30 feet away actually caused me to jump; I could see in the moonlight large ripples in the water; after a couple more whacks I realized I was having my first encounter with a beaver and he was trying to scare me off- very cool; packed my stuff and headed out with my light beam leading the way; got back home feeling pretty good about my experience and the fact that the last tree blocking a trail at WW was now cleared. 
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka
Trail Ambassador E-mail: donaldDOThazukaATcovidienDOTcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Green, yellow, some unmarked
Time of day: Evening
Time/Duration (hours): 1 3/4
Approximate Distance (Miles): 4 1/2
Images/Photos: Tree down.JPG
2nd image: Beaver work.JPG
3rd Image: Cleared.JPG
4th Image:

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