Monday, November 14, 2011

TA Report: Upper Paugussett State Forest


Date: 2011-11-13
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Upper Paugussett State Forest
Town: Newtown, CT
Trail Conditions: Awesome, now!

Today's route

Observations/Information: I ventured up the Poly Brody this afternoon to find it completely opened up! Looks like the State came in, evidenced by the truck tires in the mud.  It's a little wet in places but alas back to a means to an end.

I met these hikers snacking at the intersection with the white trail, which is thoroughly blocked by the way, and the leader of the group asked for directions to the Lake Trail (aka Al's Trail) back to Pond Brook.  I pointed them in the direction they needed to go.

However, there were blockages on the Gussy still that took care of, three major problem that my little TA handsaw took care of in a jiffy.  I think I mentioned this earlier but the Fall Line descent to the Taco Stand is closed so I blocked it off today.  Hopefully people will respect that.  Eventually the trail will go back that way but that's yet another idea in the offing which might even include a quasi/ad hock pump track!  Probably a next year project.

The Gussy is completely opened, a little leafy in places but very, very rideable. The reroutes that I did the other day need a little more work because they are still too soft.

I need to do another re-route on the flat area after you climb up from the last stream crossing to improve the the flow. The trees that came down in that section make the turn kind of tight, it has always been this way, but with the trees down it's now the next project.  In fact a local bike shop whose owner loves riding the Gussy now wants to plan a trail building session so stay tuned for details on that.

Trail Ambassador Name: Mark Lurie

Trail Ambassador E-mail: ctnemba 'a la' gmail
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Poly Brody, Upper Gussy
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6

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