Tuesday, November 15, 2011

George C Waldo State Park

Date: November 15, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: George C Waldo State Park
Town: Southbury
Trail Conditions: Perfectly clear!
Observations/Information: I managed to get a quick ride at Waldo in before the sprinkles on Tuesday. The sky was dank and gray, the forest floor a brown monochrome of leaves, devoid of shadows. This made the riding more difficult, and the trail harder to follow. The Where's Waldo Trail is now completely clear from end to end, including the extra credit loop. The widowmakers are all down, and have been cleared, as has the blowdown on the final descent. Thanks to whomever did that. I cleared the one at the Hunter's Trail turnoff myself. There are currently several lines at that location and following the trail is a little difficult. The second widowmaker had fallen and, although it didn't block the trail, it did encroach on it a little, so I trimmed it back. The Daffy Duck Trail is also clear. The leaves are now almost completely down, and traction is sketchy in turning, climbing, and braking, a sensation not unlike riding on ice. The trail is also a little hard to follow in places. Trails are dry from start to finish, for the time being anyway.

One of the hardest things about riding this time of year is figuring out what to wear. I had started the ride with a jacket and glove liners, but I quickly became too hot and relegated them to my pack. I finished in shorts and a tee shirt- not bad for mid-November.

Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes

Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Waldo, Daffy, Hunters
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 1.5
Approximate Distance (Miles): 8
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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