Sunday, November 20, 2011

Collis P Huntington SP

Date: November 20, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Collis P Huntington SP
Town: Redding
Trail Conditions: Good, but leafy
Observations/Information: Paula and I did a quick ride after the trail work on Sunday. We were joined by a dude from FC NEMBA named Jeremiah. We rode the Burn Loop, Old Mine, and Twister. Trails were in very good shape, dryer than expected (just a little bit of dryish, gooey mud in the low places), but covered in a thick blanket of leaves that hide the notorious embedded rocks. The trees are in full deciduous nudity mode now, and the leaves have migrated to the ground. Trails were also completely passable, most blowdowns have been cleared, and any remaining have new lines around them. The boardwalk trail is still a litle wet and should be avoded. There's also a tree across the boardwalk that renders it impassible.

The trails of Huntington are definitely harder to ride with the leaves hiding the rocks, and a little harder to follow too. Get out and ride Huntington before it rains on Wednesday.
Trail Ambassador Name: Paula Burton, Glenn Vernes

Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Burn Loop, Old Mine, Twister
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours):
Approximate Distance (Miles): 1 1/4
2nd image:
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4th Image:

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