Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section

Date: November 24, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section
Town: Clinton/Westbrook/Deep River
Trail Conditions: Slow with wet low spots
Observations/Information: Headed out to burn come calories before the big gorging; dressed light figuring I would warm up quickly and was right; the leaves are flattening down due to the rain, but I had to walk around some pretty nasty wet, mud holes; overall the trails were in pretty good shape considering the weather over the past few months; did parts of most everything, but now the beavers have completely flooded the land around the feeder stream bridge on the white trail which is impassible for now;
about half an hour into the ride I realized I forgot my Gore beenie and a well vented helmet means a chilly skull this time of year; took the nice unmarked south off the upper green and came across a newly fallen limb by the swamp blocking the trail-
need to also remember my hand saw; took the red to the blue to the green for some leg work and then on home to prepare for the chow down; didn't see anyone the whole time; beautiful day, I'm glad I snuck this one in.
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka

Trail Ambassador E-mail: donald$hazuka$covidien$com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Parts of all
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 1 1/4
Approximate Distance (Miles): 7
Images/Photos: White flooded.JPG
2nd image: Limb down.JPG
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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