Sunday, June 5, 2011

TM Report: West Rock Ridge State Park

Date: May 20 and June 3
Report Type: TM Report
Trail Name: West Rock Ridge State Park
Town: Hamden
Trail Conditions: Generally good
Observations/Information: I have spent the past two Fridays after work doing trail maintenance on the Red and Red-White Dot Trails at West Rock from Hill Street up to the junction with the Blue Trail. The Red-White Dot Trail is heavily overgrown with invasive plant species, particularly the Asiatic bittersweet vine, and the autumn olive shrub. I pulled out more vines than I can count. I also cut down several autumn olive shrubs that were starting to grow across the Red Trail at the far end of the field, heading up the ridge. When I was there on May 20, a thin stream of water was running down the Red Trail, but that was dried up on June 3. The double stream that crosses the Red-White Dot Trail was flowing heavily on May 20, but barely moving on June 3. Going up the ridge, I did some light pruning of branches across the trail, since that is all that was needed, plus I strategically placed brush in a few locations to keep people on the trail. The photos I took in the fall from the overlook, which provides a panoramic view to the southeast, truly one of the finest views in the area.
Trail Ambassador Name: Tom Ebersold

Trail Ambassador E-mail: bikehikekayak at sbcglobal dot net
How did you use the trail? Hiking/Walking
Trails Ridden: Red and Red-White Dot
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2 hours each time
Approximate Distance (Miles): 1
Images/Photos: West Rock-New Haven 10-28-07.jpg
2nd image: West Rock Flood Pond2, 10-28-07.jpg
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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