Thursday, June 2, 2011

TM Report: Hartman Park

Hard to see, but one side is all dried up in less than an hour, Place was nasty, stagnate, mucky water before

Date: June 2, 2011
Report Type: TM Report
Trail Name: Hartman Park
Town: Lyme
Trail Conditions: good considering
Observations/Information: went out to Hartman and cleared the swampy mud hole on either side of where the bridges are going to be. Went about 50-75 feet both up and down stream to clear the dead branches, leaves, and such in the water ways to get it flowing again instead of the swamp blockage it was. Worked really well!!! water bogged areas cleared right up in the hour or so I was there.. Wish I had taken a before picture because you wouldn't believe the difference. Water was all stagnate and mucky... now it's flowing and clear!! Got to go back with some loppers and cut out a few small root groups that keep catching leaves and damming it up..

Flow,.., you can actually see the bottom now!
Trail Ambassador Name: Thomas Lamourine
Trail Ambassador E-mail: Thom1*ctnemba*com
How did you use the trail? Other
Trails Ridden:
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 3-4 hours
Approximate Distance (Miles): ---
Images/Photos: IMG_0523.jpg
2nd image: IMG_0525.jpg
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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