Umm.. burrrrrr!! It's cold out! but I really wanted to get outside and get some exercise! Was actually think of just a walk around do to wind and cold but throw the bike in the van "just in case" Glad I did! Was a tad over dressed actually but was all good.
Trail conditions were actually pretty good and the leaf coverage is 80% gone or crushed down now. Surface was a tad hard & frozen which is to be expected but allowed for some easy rolling. Stayed on the fire roads mostly with a few branches off here and there on short single track spurts. Scared one elderly lady coming up the trail from behind so I stopped and apologized and had a quick "nice day" chat. Wind wasn't so bad when going with it but trying to head north or west got a tad brutal. Headed across to the beach and saw a couple trying to take self pictures so I volunteered to take a few shots for them! Stopped along the mild climb from the beach to the pavilion to adjust the my Pack and snapped off this shot.
All in all a great ride! If you are hesitant about going out in the cold to ride... just do it, you'll be glad you did even if you only go for a short romp!
Trail Ambassador Name: Thom Lamourine
Trail Ambassador Email: Thom(at)ectrr{dot}com
Town: East Lyme
Trail(s) all over
How did you use the trail: Mountain biking
What was the time of day: Early afternoon
Duration (Hours): 1?
Distance (Miles): 5-6
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