Location: Cockaponset SF / Weber Woods
Condition of Trail(s): Nice shape, lots of frost heave stretches
Observations: Headed out and passed a guy and his dog getting out of his car in the west lot; all low spots on the road with water were frozen over and could hold the weight of rider and bike; with no particular route in mind, I just tossed together a great ride hitting parts of all of the trails; it was tough riding when you hit a stretch of frost heaves because you crunched through and it felt like pushing through frozen peanut butter- especially dangerous when speeding downhill because the front wheel liked to break through and drop; didn't see anyone else on the trails until I took the grey by the horse pond and came across the guy I saw earlier and we had a nice chat; I headed northeast and looped around to the east lot where there was no activity; the trails were in good shape and fairly clear all around; when I got to the stream that crosses the white, it was somewhat frozen over and it was easier to head upstream and use the board bridge to get across; continued out on the green to the access road and back home; very nice, very nice.
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka
Trail Ambassador Email: donald(dot)hazuka(at)covidien(dot)com
Town: Clinton/Killingworth/Westbrook/Deep River
Trail(s) Ridden: Parts of everything
How did you use the trail: Mountain biking
What was the time of day: Mid afternoon
Duration (Hours): 1 1/4
Distance (Miles): 7 1/2
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