Sunday, November 14, 2010

TM Report: George C Waldo SP

Date of Activity:  11/5,11/6,11/13
Location:  Waldo
Condition of Trail(s):  Good


[11/5] I got out early Sat. morning to continue painting blazes on Where's Waldo. I got quite a bit done, even though the hands were getting cold. After painting for a couple of hours, I walked the rest of the trail and found an unauthorized trail  connecting to Where's Waldo. I blocked about 100 yards, but it was time to go. I came back later for ride, and saw that someone had unblocked the unauthorized trail and blocked part of Where's Waldo. I removed the brush on Where's Waldo, and spent some time obliterating the first part of the unauthorized trail. 

[11/6]  I came back the next morning, rake in hand. I followed the entire trail covering it up- it wasn't much of trail yet , just someone wandering randomly through the woods with a gas powered leaf blower . This took 4 hours. I could have spent that 4 hours finishing Where's Waldo, applying for new trails, scouting out a new trail etc. The unauthorized trail went under culverts, up fall lines,and was in a stream  bed for about 30 feet. Whomever did this hasn't walked through the area in the spring.  

[11/13]  I went back the next weekend to work on benching the extension some more, which I did, removed a blow down, and to check the unauthorized trail.  It was still blocked, and spent some time blocking it some more. It is sad that people feel compelled to build unauthorized trails, when it is possible to get permission to build trails.

Quartz Mine
Trail Ambassador Name:Paula Burton

Trail Ambassador Email: peburtonataoldotcom
Town:  Southbury
Trail(s) Ridden:  Where's Waldo Extension
How did you use the trail: TM 
What was the time of day: Morning, afternoon
Duration (Hours):  8 hours
Distance (Miles):  ?

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