Friday, November 19, 2010

TM Report: Wilton Woods

Date of Activity: 11/19/10
Condition of Trails(s): Dry

Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort

Observations: Received approval from WCC to reroute a short section of the blue trail that is heavily eroded because of fall-line.   I had previously flagged it and was approved this week.  I had to do full benching in a few sections which slowed progress.  I am about 75% done and need only about an hour to finish up.  I will be posting signs on the closed section next week after I receive them from WCC.

Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Wilton
Location: Wilton Woods
Trail(s) Ridden: N/A
How did you use the trail?: Trail Maintenance
What was the time of day?: 9AM
Duration (Hours): 2 TM
Distance (Miles): N/A

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