Wednesday, November 10, 2010

TA Report: WIlton Woods

Date of Activity: 11/10/10
Condition of Trails(s): Dry, very leafy

Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: WIlton
Location: WIlton Woods
Observations: Road with a few friends and just played on all the stuntery and drops....Had the park to ourselves did not see any other people in the park.

Did put a short movie together of some of the fun stuff in the park....

Wilton Woods 11-10-10 from dfrancefort on Vimeo.

Trail(s) Ridden: Blue, Red (formerly black diamond), orange
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Biking
What was the time of day?: 9:45AM
Duration (Hours): 2.5
Distance (Miles): 3

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