Thursday, November 4, 2010

TA Report: Wadsworth Falls & River Highlands State Parks

Date: November 2-4, 2010
Location: River Highlands & Wadsworth Falls State Parks
Condition of Trails: Good

Observations: I rode River Highlands on Tuesday the second. The trees are bare for the most part, and the trails were covered with a thick, fluffy layer of leaves that made traction harder to find and the trail harder to follow. This "deciduous nudity" happens every year, of course, and it is one of the challenges of New England riding. Trails were otherwise fine.

I rode Wadsworth Falls on Friday the fourth. The DEP has been busy there. They have graded a few badly eroded sections of carriage road and destroyed one of the new log rides in the process. The trails have not been touched and they are in fine condition, although also covered in leaves.

Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes

Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Cromwell & Middletown
Trails Ridden: Green, red, yellow, black, unmarked.
How Did You Use The Trail?: Mountain bike
Time of Day: Afternoon
Duration: 3 hrs
Distance: About 15 miles.

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