Thursday, October 28, 2010

TA Report: Rocky Neck State Park

Date of Activity:  October 28, 2010
Location:  Rocky Neck State Park
Condition of Trail(s):  heavy leaf coverage
Observations: Sun popped out around 1:30 here so I decided to hit the trail for a quick spin. Rain knocked a good bit of the leaves down and there was still a moist coating making for a slipper ride.  Kinda stayed on the fire roads after not being able to stop a few times. Cruised the campsite once again and the access roads and got some good "leaf peeping" in...

Trail Ambassador Name: Thom Lamourine

Trail Ambassador Email:  Thom(at)ectrr(dot) com
Town:  East Lyme
Trail(s) Ridden:  fire roads mostly
How did you use the trail:  Mountain biking
What was the time of day: afternoon
Duration (Hours):  1.0
Distance (Miles):  ?

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