Date of Activity: 6/15/10
Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort
Condition of Trails(s): Dry
Town: Wilton
Location: Wilton Woods

Observations: I had pressure treated wood from a tree house I took down in my yard and it was in mint condition so I repurposed it for a Wilton Woods walkway project. The yellow trail in the middle of the park had a deep muddy section that I attempted to armor years ago but the mud is at least a foot deep and when it rains the rocks many times are under water and in the winter it is almost not hikable. A solution was to use 12 foot 4x4's to span the mud pit and make a walkway. I also took the time to add additional armoring on the other side of the bridge where it is not nearly as muddy because it is a little higher, using larger flat rocks to make the biking and hiking easier.
Trail Ambassador Email: dfrancefort@excite.com
Trail(s) Ridden:N/A
How did you use the trail?: Trail Maintenance
What was the time of day?: 9am
Duration (Hours): 4
Distance (Miles): N/A

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