Date of Activity: 5/24/2010
Condition of Trails(s): Good, Loomy, some newer /relocated trails are soft still.
Observations: - Soo, Lately I'm into exploring new trails in the area. something different to ride on.
Well, I've been to Oswa-got-che (errrrr something like that in ancient indian language that I can't spell.) But the last time I was there was a few yrs ago and It wasn't what I would call "bike friendly" well, I heard through the grape vine that some trails had been re-blazed and others have been added and now it was pretty much rideable. So today I decided I'd check it out. well after a minor shoulder injury and having my bottom bracket issue yesterday I thought I'd take it easy and just hike it... well it's a wicked cool place.!!!! I hiked up the new red trail which is so new it's still loomie and soft. Was a great hike and I transverse a good part of the place including the quarry's and walked some of the old carriage roads. The place has some kinda strange scenery, hard to describe but, there was a few spots where I began to wonder if I had popped into a JRR Tolkien book and was walking through the outskirts of the Shire, waiting for a Hobbit to come strolling on down the trail. The pictures really don't do it justice! it's eery and cool at the same time.
Trail Ambassador Name: Thomas Lamourine
Trail Ambassador Email: Thom(at)
Town: East Lyme, CT
Location: Oswegatchie Hills
Trail(s) Ridden: a Mix
How did you use the trail: Hiking
What was the time of day: 10am
Duration (Hours): 3+
Distance (Miles): 6
Rock Garden

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