Date of Activity: 3/27/10
Condition of Trails(s): Muddy

Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort, Kyaiera Tucker, Rich Coffey, Chris K.
Trail Ambassador Email: dfrancefort@excite.com

Town: Wilton
Location: Bradley Park
Time of day?: 9AM
Duration (Hours): 3

Wow, what a crew showed up (5 RESIDENTS WHO LIVE ON THE STREET)...and we needed everyone of them...Kyaiera took one group to tackle the deberm on the orange and it came out excellent, I took another crew and we move the small bridge back over on the trail and added a walkway after to span the mud and then armored with rock the rest of the way. The immense amount of rain with Spring thaw has created various mud pits in the park, just like in most parks. After those projects were completed one crew ended going to the top part of the Orange trail where it was not passable for about 100 feet due to mud and I means lots of mud, the team cut in some culverts to divert the water off the trail.

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