Wednesday, April 7, 2010

TA Report Wadsworth Falls State Park

Date of Activity: April 7, 2010
Condition of Trail(s): Good. I noticed fresh dirt bike tracks on the red trail.

Trail Ambassador Names: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador Email: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
Town: Middletown
Location: Wadsworth Falls State Park.
Trail(s) Ridden: Red, yellow, orange, purple, unmarked.
How did you use the trail? Mountain bike
What was the time of day? Late Morning
Duration (Hours): 1.25
Distance (Miles): Around 7

A quick before work ride on what seemed like a warm summer's day -temps in the mid eighties, shorts and a tee shirt, sweat running down the brow. Wadsworth is pretty dry, although the typical places are still wet, such as the red trail just below the four corners. It's also wet in some places you wouldn't expect- like the top of the yellow trail near the church, and dry in others, like the orange double track off of Cherry Hill Rd. The Laurel Brook trail is being re routed- I noticed a new and very sturdy bridge, but the new trail has not been cut yet.

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