Date of Activity: 4/23/2010 and 04/24/2010
Condition of Trail(s): Crisp! Very dry and rolling nice.
Trail Ambassador: Jon Regan
Email: jonpregan@aol.com
Town: Burlington
Location: Nassahegan State Forest
Trail(s) Ridden: Numerous trails between the Soccer Fields and Stone Road
How did you use the trail: Mountain Biking and Hiking
What was the time of day: Evening on 4/23 and Daytime on 4/24
Hours on trail: Total of 7 hours between the two days
Distance: 15+ Miles
Encounters and Observations: Two incredible early season rides with a bit of hiking and TM out on the trails of the mighty Nassahegan State Forest the last few days. Managed to clear a bunch of blow downs, low hanging limbs, and general trail clutter in my travels. Regardless, other than an expected encounter with infamous BSS (Black Sheep Squadron) ran into more hikers than bikers in the last few days! None the less, everyone encountered was super friendly and appreciative of the work the biking community has contributed to this place!
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