Sunday, March 21, 2010

TM Report: Mianus River Park

Date of Activity: March 21, 2010
Condition of Trail: Highly erroded and in need of a serious re-route

Trail Ambassador Name: D Francefort and R Tucker
Town: Stamford
Location: Mianus River Park
Trail(s) Ridden: Cabin Trail
How did you use the trail? Hiking
What was the time of day? Morning, 9-10:30am
Hours riding: 1.5

Encounters & Observations: We met with the Stamford Land Conservation Trust, the land owners of the Cabin Trail parcel, to discuss re-routing two serious fall line trails. We walked the Cabin Trail and identified the issues related to and caused by the two fall lines, and the new routes, as well as the rationale for the re-routes, with the SLCT President and Parcel steward.

Re-route is tentatively planned for April 3rds regular Friends of Mianus River Park Trail Maintenance session that meets at 9am the first Saturday of every month at the Stone Bridge on Marriebrook Ln in Stamford.

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