Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Condition of Trails: Dry and rideable everywhere
Trail Ambassador Name: Rich C
Trail Ambassador Email: mtnbikerdad[at]yahoo[dot]com
Town: Trumbull
Location: Pequonnock Valley State Forest
Trails Ridden: Various
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Biking, TM, Photos
What was the time of day? Late Afternoon 2:00 - 5:00PM
Duration (Hours): 3 Hours
Beautiful sunny and warm day - in the 50s! Parked at the north end and rode down to the north bridge using the Bramble path. (The gravel is on order for the rail trail / at the intersection of the more trafficked main way down to the north bridge).
As noted elsewhere, the big log "up and over" near the bridge has been cut. (Will check with the LM if this was done by the state.)
The Blue Trail by the river was surprisingly dry and fun to ride. Came across a stupid shortcut that dipped down into a muddy area and blocked it with deadwood.

Chatted with a couple of hikers passing by and gave them a glowing description of the park and recommended Wilton Woods as well for their freeriding teenage son and friends.
Rode south to the lake bed edge and then headed up to the ridges. At a trail at the top, used my mini-shovel to create a mini-knick for a small but perpetually muddy section.

Headed back to the lot riding quite a few different trails (down near the river and back up on the ridge). Everywhere the trails were dry and quite rideable except at the north edge of the park, near where the trail enters from Whitney Ave on the east side of river. (the Woolen Mill ruins area) It was a muddy, rutted mess there. Don't use this way in for a few weeks!

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