Date 3/21/10
Condition of Trail(s): Perfect!!
Ambassador Email: Thom(at)ectrr(dot)com
Town: Groton , CT
Location: Haley Farm/Bluff Point State Park
Trail(s) mixed
How did you use the trail: biking
What was the time of day: 9:30 am
Duration (Hours):3 hours
Observations: Weather was perfect, not to hot not to cold. Trails were perfect, not to dry and dusty, not to wet and muddy.
Someone has gone through and cleaned a lot of the trails up, cut back briars, cleared most of the dead wood fall from the storm. Place is, well, PERFECT!! :) Leaves are pretty much gone form the main trails so speed is up with out the slipping and sliding and the incessant noise of them stuck somewhere on a wheel. Only stopped once at the point for a drink and snapped a few pics.
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