Date of Activity: March 18&19
Condition of Trails(s): Dry High, No Go Low.
Condition of Trails(s): Dry High, No Go Low.

Trail Ambassador Name: R Tucker and K Mistretta-Tucker
Trail Ambassador Email: rrtucker at gmail dot com
Town: Stamford
Location: Mianus River Park
Trail(s) Ridden: All over
How did you use the trail: Trail Maintenance hike and ride
What was the time of day: 18th 6-9pm, 19th 5-7:30
Duration (Hours): 5.5 hours
Distance (Miles): 9 miles

Observations:Lots and lots of downed trees all over the park messing with the flow, rumor has it a clean up crew is going in Saturday 20th of March.

Trail Maintenance hours: 5 hours
Work accomplished: Cleared a number of downed trees through out the park using hand saws and clyde power; closed East Spur of Oak Trail and benched in a West Spur of Oak Trail to avoid vernal pools.
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