Thursday, April 2, 2009

9+ miles of trails coming to a park near you!

This is no Joke! On April 1st, 2009, 3 Milford residents Joe Woyciesjes, Deanna Baker, and Ed Perten, who are also CT NEMBA Trail Ambassadors, attended the Town of Milford's Conservation Commission Meeting to propose opening the trail system at Eisenhower Park that would create a 9+ mile trail system. The Town's Commission approved the request and in fact, some of the Committee Members offered to help out.
The plan is to revitalize the existing trail system through clean up and maintenance, and to expand it by reaching across to an adjacent parcel which is included with the park. There once was an intricate trail system but it has been long since overgrown.
Next steps for for Joe and his team is to produce an Existing Trails Map and propose to the town trail improvements and additions.


Anonymous said...

That great news. Is there any time line for completion? Anything locals can do to help?

Mark said...

Email me and I will put you in touch with the project leader.

Anonymous said...

There is no set time line yet , at this point we are still walking sections of the park, there will be some more mapping work. We expect to begin clearing this summer. bridges need repair- the city is building one and we need to get the other two repaired. That gives us time to connect and repair the currently seperate parks. Earth day in milford is may 23 @ eisenhower park . we will be there in our jerseys - usually hundreds come out. Join us!! -joe-