Monday, April 18, 2011

TM Report: Goodwin State Forest

Date: 4/17/2011
Report Type: TM Report
Trail Name: Goodwin State Forest
Town: Hampton
Trail Conditions: Wet in spots
Observations/Information: Trail Boss Training held, 3 hour class room, 2 hour practical outdoor. Training class re-routed a section of the yellow trail which included benching, armoring and closure of the old trail section

Teachers: Paula Burton, Keith Coughlin, David Francefort
Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort

Trail Ambassador E-mail: dfrancefort^at^
How did you use the trail? Other
Trails Ridden: N/A
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 5 Hours Training
Approximate Distance (Miles): N/A
Images/Photos: TrailBoss2011.jpg
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

1 comment:

Roland Chirico said...

Thanks Paula and everyone for a great day. Definitely worthwhile, engaging, very well organized, not to mention the great food as well. I'm excited to get out and apply what I've learned on some of my trails, and hit the trails as trail ambassador. Thanks!
