Sunday, October 31, 2010

TM Report: Cockaponset SF / Weber Woods

Date of Activity:  October 31, 2010
Location:  Cockaponset SF / Weber Woods
Condition of Trail(s):  Leaf covered and dry
Observations: I received permission from the LM to re-blaze all the trails in Weber Woods because most are very faded and several poorly placed; contacted Paula Burton and Alex Sokolow for guidance on painting blazes and also found a great guide on line; I parked in the east lot with one other truck, filled the map box, and headed out on the green trail with my tools to the upper yellow; I have never done this before, so I wanted to start small and get a feel for proper technique before I tackled the other trails; took one camera shot before my batteries died, then used my phone for the after; I learned that careful spot prep is key, that my lexan stencil was really only good for drawing a nice outline and not for the actual painting, and that I needed a larger carrier to better organize my stuff; completed the work in both directions, and hiked back enjoying the weather and scenery; a gorgeous Halloween day. 
Trail Ambassador Name:  Don Hazuka

Trail Ambassador Email:  donald(dot)hazuka(at)covidien(dot)com
Town:  Westbrook
Trail(s) Ridden:  Green/yellow
How did you use the trail:  Hiking and TM
What was the time of day:  Mid afternoon
Duration (Hours):  1 1/4
Distance (Miles):  1+

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