Condition of Trails(s): Great
Observations:Well, Steve and myself decided on another small trip for a ride. Not our best choice! Place is actually pretty nice if you stay on the right trails but we kept missing turns and intersections and ended up on the Light Blue marked trail more than once. It's a fairly nasty hiking trail and we did a LOT of hike-a-bike!. When we did get on the proper trails it was like sweet candy riding, nice little features some hefty hills and such... but good going in general.
Steve at the top of a pretty steep climb
If you ever go there, stay on the twin marked BLUE-YELLOW trail or the Dark Blue trail (though I smashed my knee and broke my shifter lever on the Dark Blue Trail :- / )
If you find yourself on the light blue trail, turn around!!
Trail Ambassador Name:Thom Lamourine
Trail Ambassador Email: thom(at)ectrr(dot)com
Trail(s) Ridden: Light blue(big mistake) Blue-yellow and the Dark Blue
How did you use the trail: Biking (and Hike-a-bike)
What was the time of day:8:30am
Duration (Hours):4ish
Distance (Miles): 10+
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