Sunday, May 16, 2010

TA Report: George C Waldo State Park

Date of Activity: 5/16/2010

Condition of Trails(s): Duncan Hine's moist

Trail Ambassador Name: Mark Lurie & Tren Spence
Trail Ambassador Email: ctnemba at gmail com
Town: Southbury
Location: George C Waldo State Park
Trail(s) Ridden: Waldo to forest road, to hunters trail to Where's Waldo (north)
How did you use the trail: Mountain Bike
What was the time of day: 8:00-10:00am
Duration (Hours): 2hrs
Distance (Miles): 5
Observations: Rutting on one section of the trail for this winter and early spring, due section of trail running through drainage area. Could avert by moving trail west by 10 yards into low lying raised area (almost a small ridge).

It appears that the gate to the forest road has been compromised. There were a lot of tire tracks on lower section of the forest road. Maybe someone got stuck in the mud? Lots of empty beer bottles and cans that were put into a garbage can near the fire pit but not removed. Kids maybe?

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