Date of Activity: 2/28/10
Trail Ambassador Name: Stephen Eldredge
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Groton, CT
Location: Haley Farm/Bluff Point
Trail(s): several
How did you use the trail: biking
What was the time of day: 1:30 to 3:30
Duration (Hours): 2
Distance (Miles): ?
Condition of Trail(s): I went out fully expecting to turn around and go home because the trails were under water. To my surprise, not only were the trails not underwater, they were still firm and fast!! I rode around the fire road up towards the train tracks then hit the single track. I only encountered one area that was swampy, really good drainage in most areas. headed over to Bluff Point and could see that the fire road heading toward the parking lot was flooded, went up into the single track and everything was smooth and flowing. Up in the woods there are a couple of areas that don't drain well and there were a couple of puddles but for the most part a great day!!
Observations: Couldn't have asked for nicer weather this time of year, mostly overcast but the sun poked out a few times. I only saw a handful of dog walkers and hikers and four other bikers! Two bikers were on single speeds 1 a 29'er (Mark) and the other a 26'er (Don) both great guys I've ridden with before and I realized as we were talking that we had done the same thing almost exactly a year ago. Well we rode again and they kicked my ass again, only not as bad this time. It was a great day but I had to bail and go pick up my son from his friends' house.
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