Friday, October 23, 2009

TA Report: WIlton Woods

Date of Activity:10-22-09
Condition of Trails(s): Dry

Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort; Ryan Tucker
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Wilton Location: Wilton Woods
Trail(s) Ridden: Most
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Biking
What was the time of day?: 7:00PM
Duration (Hours): 1.5
Distance (Miles): 6

Observations: good group, lots of leaves down so finding the trail was a challenge at times! Police I guess came and started calling our houses, telling that the park is closed at night. I sent an email to the Wilton Conservation Commission to find out what is up as they allow overnight camping at the park. When I get an answer I will post back up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new template looks great!