Date of Activity: September 9, 2009
Trail Ambassador Names: Paula Burton, Mark Lurie, Eric Mayhew, Al Tinti, Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador Email: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
Town: Durham
Location: Millers Pond State Park
Trail(s) Ridden: Red trail north of the pond, aka cross country loop.
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Bike
What was the time of day?: Late afternoon
Duration (Hours): 1.5
Distance (Miles): 8ish
Condition of Trail(s): Excellent, dry, well used.
Observations: This was our monthly pre-meeting ride. We rode the cross country loop counter clockwise, from the parking lot to the bail out by the dam. We had five TAs and two other riders including Salem Mazzawy, an absolute magician on a bicycle. The trail was dry, well used, and in excellent condition. John Peterson, aka Pukemaster, did a fantastic job building this trail and the local mountain bike community owes him a debt of gratitude. The parking lot was full- two or three solo riders and one large group were also on the trail.
Despite a late start and a broken chain, we were able to finish the planned ride before dark. Everyone was happy with the route, and a good time was had by all. We arrived at the meeting, at Eli Cannon's Tap Room in Middletown, a fashionable 20 minutes late (didn't want to shock those already there by showing up on time!).
Our next event is the Fall Fiesta, the big event of the year, rescheduled to Saturday Sept. 19 at Gay City State Park in Hebron. There'll be food, swag, arrowed loops, an epic ride into Case Mountain, and a skills clinic by Salem Mazzawy. Don't miss it!
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